Thanks for your inquiry about the work that we do in the area of
fundraising for nonprofit organizations. Coordinated Financial Services
(CFS) is a national firm based in Pittsburgh that works exclusively with
tax-exempt organizations across the country.
Nonprofit organizations are experiencing difficult times. Contributions
are down. Endowment values are down. Restrictions on the destructibility
of charitable contributions are in question. Expenses are up. What to
do? Our philosophy is to fight back with different fundraising concepts.
Thinking outside the box with proven concepts can create the momentum
and contribution flow that is so desperately needed.
Our firm has been successful in helping nonprofits across the country
create major gifts, both immediate and deferred. A unique feature of our
programs is that none of them requires any out of pocket expense from
the donor or from the organization.
We utilize three main strategies that help nonprofit management and
development teams create the immediate and deferred cash flow that will
keep the organization financialyy strong now and into the future.
I would like to thank you for your question and your interest in what we
do. I would love to fully explain our operations while answering more of your questions. You may either share your question(s) below or email me directly. I look forward to hearing from you.
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