Can Your Nonprofit Create a Steady Stream of
Major Planned Gifts?

Yes It Can, With No Out of pocket Cost to the Donor

Planned gifts tend to come as a surprise to many universities, hospitals and other nonprofit organizations.  People who mean well put these organizations in their wills or as a beneficiary in a life insurance policy without necessarily telling the organization that they’ve done so.

Such gifts are a wonderful and unexpected occurrence, but wouldn’t it be better to arrange large planned gifts that are given openly and irrevocably?

Don’t just read about million dollar plus planned gifts. Take action to prime the pump to ensure a steady stream of major planned gifts for the future stability of your organization.

Proven programs are available to your development team that::

Will generate six and seven-figure planned gifts
Will be structured to be irrevocable to your organization
Require no out of pocket expense from the donor or your organization.

How can this be?

Congressional legislation enacted in 1999 allows this plan to function. Untold number of cases have been established with performance success well established.

Many donors feel tapped out especially in this economy. Many still are generous to the annual appeal, the occasional capital campaign and the annual golf tournament. They hesitate to commit major estate values into planned gifts.

Now there is a way for these generous donors to make additional planned gifts with no out of pocket expense using this time tested concept.

Thus we have a near perfect scenario:

*A nonprofit in need of future planned gifts
*A donor willing to create major planned gift with no out of pocket expense